Frequently Asked Questions
How will this project impact my property? When will VDOT contact me?
See the project's interactive map for information on preliminary right of way and/or easement impacts. Right of way needs should be finalized by the end of summer 2019, and a representative from the project's right of way team will contact you between mid-2019 and mid-2020 if there is a need to purchase right of way and/or easements from your property.
To learn more about VDOT's right of way acquisition process, see our brochure, A Guide for Property Owners and Tenants and the Right of Way page on this site.
Why was the partial interchange at Baron Cameron Avenue removed from the design?
Why are the shared use paths on both sides of the roadway?
Why is Colvin Run realigned in a concrete channel?
Are you building noise walls along my property or neighborhood? Why or why not?
See the project's interactive map for information about the proposed noise wall locations.
Noise walls must be determined to be warranted, feasible, and reasonable. Click here to view additional information on these criteria.
VDOT's State Noise Abatement Policy (SNAP) complies with the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) noise regulations (23 CFR 772), and noise wall locations are determined by a thorough analysis of existing and projected noise conditions along the corridor. An extensive preliminary noise analysis was conducted in September 2016 and a final design noise analysis was prepared in early 2019. The current proposed noise wall locations are based on the Final Design Noise Analysis which is subject to approval by VDOT and FHWA. Once the Final Design Noise Analysis is approved, benefited receptors will be contacted to vote for or against the specific noise wall that is designed to provide noise abatement for their parcels. The schedule for review and approval of the Final Design Noise Analysis and polling of benefited receptors is expected to extend into early 2020 before the final location and height of each noise wall is determined. For more information about VDOT's noise wall process, please visit the VDOT web site.